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About Us

Our mission and vision.

Led by the youth, Bye Bye Plastic Bags Jakarta at JIS strives to ban single-use plastic bags throughout Jakarta while simultaneously offering citizens environmental-friendly alternatives. We do this to become one step closer to our vision of raising the next generation in a newer, cleaner, and healthier version of Jakarta⏤which will one day be accomplished, thanks to the passion of our city’s youth and the help of the Jakarta government.

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Our course of action.
Raise awareness and educate.

Since we cannot solve a problem that our community may not be well-informed on, we raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic on both our environment and surroundings. From various school-wide educational programs to city-wide initiatives, education is at the heart of our club.

Reduce the use of single use plastics.

Aside from physical outreaches, legislative action to ban single-use plastics throughout Jakarta is by far the most accurate method to decrease our city’s plastic pollution. This is why we have been working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs to promote Jakarta’s new plastic bag ban and further educate local communities on its importance.

Fundraising to support our green partners.

Most communities are unable to abandon harmful plastics without the choice of cheaper, more durable alternatives. Thus, we utilize our raised funds to create merchandise and further support our green partners⏤I Want To Smell The Perfume and XS Project⏤in their journey for a healthier Earth.
Our history.
BBPB Bali Was Founded


Melati and Isabel Wijsen began Bye Bye Plastic Bags at the ages of 10 and 12 after being inspired by a lesson in school about powerful figures. Born in 2013, BBPB has now grown into a well-known international movement of inspiration and youth empowerment.

BBPB Jakarta at JIS Was Founded


Soon enough, youth worldwide began hearing of all the fantastic things Melati and Isabel were achieving in their hometown. Wanting to do the same in Jakarta, passionate students at JIS began the club with hopes of encouraging an eco-friendly lifestyle in their city.

Rise of BBPBJ at JIS Events


Following our revival in 2018, our members strived to work harder than ever. From campus presentations, TEDxYOUTH events, and a Fun Run, Bye Bye Plastic Bags Jakarta at JIS finally earned a platform to spread awareness and gather funds to create actual change in the fight against single-use plastic.

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First Step of Legislative Action


After winning a city-wide competition, Bye Bye Plastic Bags Jakarta at JIS won the chance to meet the Minister of Maritime Affairs to discuss initiatives that can reduce Jakarta's plastic bag waste.

Jakarta Plastic Bags Tax Implemented


Alongside our hard-working members⏤specifically previous officers Amanda and Cagla⏤the Minister of Maritime Affairs implemented a plastic bag tax for all supermarket chains throughout Jakarta, causing a city-wide decrease in plastic usage by 50%.

Plastic Bags Banned
in Jakarta


After various communications with the Minister of Maritime Affairs, plastic bags were⏤and still are⏤banned in Jakarta as of July 2020, successfully achieving our club's goal.

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Covid-19 Postponing In-Person Projects


With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sudden move to online learning, digital operations proved challenging to our service club. Still, BBPB Jakarta at JIS was determined to shift its course of action, thus working with Service Learning to help hard-hit communities through a Care Package Campaign. Through a tote-bag painting activity, we provided over 50 activity boxes for local students with lessons about plastic bags’ harm to the environment.

Learning to Work Online

2021 and Beyond

Now settling into our new version of reality, BBPB Jakarta at JIS has shifted its focus from physical outreaches to digital awareness programs comprising films, presentations, and workshops that will empower the future generation to fight for a cleaner Earth.

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