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Rania Bawazier

10 Ways to Become More Environmentally-Friendly

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

Let me tell you this: being environmentally friendly isn’t restricted to anybody. Some may think that being environmentally conscious is all about reducing plastic—and although that is true—that’s not all that we can do. Indeed, if we start making smart environmental choices in our everyday lives, we can slow the rate of climate change or even make or break our future. Eventually, we may even be able to influence others to join this important movement. Here are 10 ways that you can make a difference:

1. Recycling

This may be a practice that you hear quite often, considering that it is extremely important for the environment. Recycling saves energy, conserves natural resources, and decreases pollution. Sorting and cleaning waste produces “secondary materials”, such as glass, paper, metal, and plastic.

2. Turn down the plastic

As the name of our club implies, we should say bye-bye to plastic bags. However, we shouldn’t just stop at bags—it’s time to say goodbye to plastic water bottles, too. Plastic poses ecological problems as they take hundreds of years to decompose, posing a serious threat to our wildlife. Every year, hundreds of thousands of marine creatures die as a result of mistaking plastic bags laced with toxins for food. Many animals suffocate after being caught in plastic bags.

3. Donate used goods

I’m sure that our parents have at least once asked us to donate used goods such as old clothes, materials, or school supplies. Whatever the case is, donating is a particularly environmentally friendly alternative to tossing discarded consumer goods in the trash. Toys, appliances, and furniture that are no longer in use can be donated to organizations, schools, families, or other receivers.

4. Avoid disposable products

High greenhouse gas emissions are a result of the manufacturing and disposal of disposable diapers, paper napkins, plastic plates, paper towels, plastic utensils, cheap plasticware, and other non-durable consumer items (goods designed to last for a short period of time). Using durable appliances is the way to go on your journey to an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

5. Upcycle

Get your creativity flowing by upcycling items that still have some life in them. Get crafty with this opportunity: turn plastic bottles into planters or bicycle parts into chandeliers. Whatever it is, the possibilities are endless.

6. Buy second hand

Want to reduce your carbon footprint by half? Well, look no further, as buying secondhand items is the way to go. Secondhand items are often just as appealing and functional as new purchases, and at most times are much safe for our environment.

7. Save water

To save water, simply turn off its sources when you’re not actively using them, such as when you’re brushing your teeth, cleaning up, or washing the dishes. Try doing this in the shower by turning on the water for the lather, shutting it off while scrubbing, and then turning it back on for the rinse. Such simple actions bring you one step closer to an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Simple, right?

8. Leave the car

Living in Jakarta, you have obviously seen the abundance of vehicles that constantly roam our roads. Now, imagine just how much carbon dioxide they produce. Then think about this question: did you know that each vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year? This is why you should avoid using your car when you can use other modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, or public transportation. By doing so you are helping our environment.

9. Turn off the lights

This might be a reminder that you hear quite often, but it truly is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. Not only is it better for the environment, but turning off the lights when you’re not using them will also save you money.

10. Unplug electronics

Did you know that many electronic devices such as microwaves, televisions, and printers use standby power to save warm-up time? This means that your electronics are consuming energy, even when you are not actively using them. So, by just by unplugging your electronics, you are one step closer to an environmentally friendly lifestyle.



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